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This is just a game
This is just a game Posted by madforrove Jun 16 2007 7:00AM As a new player trying to learn this game I have to agree with all those who say there are a lot of so called snobs in this particular game not willing to play lower ranking players. On many occasion i have tried to play one of these higher rankers only to be ignored All I want is to play and learn the game what is the point of being a name on a screen with a high number next to your name no one knows who you are anyway just give us a fare go, after all it is only a game. This is a Game Posted by SCOPEMAN (TD) Jun 16 2007 2:52PM Hi Madforrove, I understand how you feel. At first I felt like you. But just hang in there. Like anything else people have to get to know you. Gin players are the best. I have made alot of friends from all over the world and really enjoy playing them and hosting them in tournaments. Please just give it some time. Hope you Enjoy Scopeman just a game Posted by birddogharve (VIP) Jun 22 2007 1:27AM i think a lot of the better players like to play for something. im really not comfortable at the real high numbers but most of the ranked players want to play for something even if it is a $1.00.i would suggest that if you want to play the better players get some money inthe game even if it is just a dollar.then i would enter some tourneys. most of the better players enter regularly. you would be welcomed...they are fun and you play the best. third, sometimes when you invite a ranked plyer and has an x i know many times i mhave accepted even tho i didnt really want to play for 0. i figured if they want to give me a special invite i ought to play them....mad, good luck...neext time if i see you....lets play one, |
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